
Our collection

Eleganzia Hotels & Resort is a wholly Italian brand exclusively devoted to luxury hotels that has applied the appeal, tradition and the evocative power of everything that Italy is famous for to the concept of holidays. Combining comfort, relaxation and fun as stylishly as possible, the Eleganzia brand is renowned and appreciated around the world for the high level of its services and its magical charm.

Eleganzia own one of the best resort in Italy, set in the most stunning location, where nature, history and culture come together and leave a wonderfully unforgettable impression.


His name is Forte Village Resort, in Santa Margherita di Pula in Sardinia.

The 5 star education at Forte Village

Master Hotel
Business School

The Hotel Business School was created in 2008 and is the result of a collaboration between Forte Village Resort and the LUISS Business School. 
Its main objective is to train highly skilled human resources who will work in the high-end hospitality sector, both in Italy and abroad.

The Latest News, Press and Magazine Updates

Forte Village Magazine

Our magazine is filled with captivating stories, expert tips, and insider knowledge to help you make the most of your stay with us.