Children's Wonderland

Vegetable Garden

A child-sized vegetable garden where they can discover fruit and vegetables

One of the activities for children proposed by Forte Village is a visit to the vegetable garden. Led by a professional gardener and supervised by the staff of the Forte Village, all the children discover together the native crops of Sardinia.

This educational workshop for children held at Children’s Wonderland it is not only an opportunity to socialise but also a conscious discovery of nature, where gardening basic notions are explained and children learn how to take care of plants.


The workshop is open to children aged 3 and older of all nationalities (our staff speaks Italian, English, French, German and Russian).
Tools are used during the workshop.
The staff at the Forte Village Children’s Wonderland has attended the FIRST AID COURSE carried out by the Italian Society of Medicine of the Paediatric Centre of Cagliari.


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