Unique Destinations

Der Service

Warum das Forte Village das beste Resort der Welt ist? Ganz einfach: Es garantiert allen erdenklichen Service, und dies mit höchster Qualität. Es bietet jedem seiner Gäste einen Urlaub nach Maß, ohne sich jemals auch nur geringfügig vom einzig zulässigen Modell zu entfernen: der Exzellenz. Es verwöhnt mit einer Fülle von Eindrücken und Genüssen, absoluter Freiheit und uneingeschränkten Rückzugsmöglichkeiten, einer unendlichen Auswahl an Aktivitäten und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten, Anreizen für höchste sportliche Leistungen und dem Genuss der raffiniertesten Speisen. Im Forte Village gibt es keine Grenzen oder Kompromisse, hier ist nur Platz für das absolut Beste.

Sportstars sind da, um Sie zu trainieren, weltberühmte Köche kochen für Sie „à la carte“, Bars und Restaurants verwöhnen mit spektakulärer Aussicht, die Sonne Sardiniens strahlt an 300 Tagen des Jahres und das Acquaforte Spa, das zu den „Leading Spas of the World“ gehört, verspricht absolutes Wohlbefinden. Ein echtes Paradies, wenige Kilometer von Cagliari.


Forte Village Resort is a 5 star resort consisting of 8 hotels with a total of 728 rooms and is located in one of the most picturesque and unspoilt locations in southern Sardinia in Santa Margherita di Pula, 40 km from Cagliari.

The 8 hotels in the resort are diversified by category and target customer. The 4 star category hotels include Borgo, Bouganville and Le Palme, while the superior class are the Pineta, Le Dune, the Villa del Parco and the Hotel Castello. In addition, the resort guests can enjoy an even more exclusive experience thanks to the new prestigious villas that represent the diamond tip among the accommodation offers of Forte Village.

The Resort was opened by Lord Charles Forte in 1974 and, due to numerous vicissitudes that led to several passages of ownership, the property is now owned and managed by the company Progetto Esmeralda srl.

Thanks to the established management team, the Resort has been radically transformed and has become the world’s best luxury resort since 1998, according to World Travel Awards

In recent years, great investments have been made to create new bungalows, villas and swimming pools and to renovate existing parts of the resort. The latest, in 2016, was the realization of the Forte Arena, a theater under the stars that has hosted important names in national and international entertainment.

In addition to the hotels, to date, there is a wide choice of gourmet or buffet restaurants for a total of 22 outlets. But the most fascinating resort attractions are the spa and the thalassotherapy pool circuit, the sports academies and the events organized for guests, such as countless evenings with starred chefs and the evening shows in the piazza. At Forte Village the offer is so wide that it can satisfy any request from any type of guest.

The award-winning Forte Village Resort is one of the structures that has always defines the standards of luxury tourism around the world for innovation and the quality of service offered. The Fort Village Management promotes the culture of Quality through the commitment of all those who work in the Resort and for the Resort. This requires that everyone is involved and aware of their role and responsibility in achieving the goals of Quality and Continuous Improvement

The Quality Policy of Project Esmeralda srl ​​(hereinafter referred to as “Forte Village Resort”) has the following main objectives:

Always keep high the level of satisfaction of stakeholders, especially of guests, employees and partners;
Offer an exclusive and personalized service that can satisfy the needs of guests;
facilitate the participatory and sharing process between people, in particular employees and colleagues;
make every assessment based on objective evidence and in compliance with the rules and regulations in use.

The objectives are pursued with respect and through the application of a Management System conforming to UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and the highest standards of the hotel members of Leading Hotels of the World.

In carrying out its activities, the project Esmeralda S.r.l. ​​has the task of guaranteeing:

a business organizational model that always ensures high and adequate professionalism to be included in the different departments of the resort in order to provide innovative, high-value-added and profitable services;
Establish each interaction with its guests and partners with the aim of creating value while identifying present and future needs for the success of the resort;
a high degree of procedural precision and integrity of the professionalism involved, through the conduct of research or provision of services always and in any case meeting the required technical requirements, the procedures in use, the principles of ethics and sustainability;
Total neutrality, independence and impartiality in judgments to ensure the utmost objectivity of evaluation, transparency and rejection of any undue influence or interference in business activities.

Further quality objectives are defined at least annually during the review exercise by the Management. In order to achieve these quality objectives, the Management has implemented:

A Quality System compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard that continuously maintains and improves the quality of the services offered;
This system is periodically monitored through the preparation of internal audits in order to assess its compliance;
A check that ensures that the Quality Policy is communicated (through meetings or published on the intranet network), including (verifying at the end of the meeting or at internal auditing) and applied at all business levels and available to interested parties on the company website
The Project Quality Management System Esmeralda srl ​​is based on a risk-based thinking approach that allows the organization to determine the factors that could generate process deviations in relation to ISO 9001: 2015, and to put in place controls Quotes to minimize adverse effects and seize the opportunities offered by the market by anticipating trends.

The Forte Village Resort Management also through the Internal Auditing Department undertakes to ensure that this Policy is understood, shared, implemented and implemented by all its employees and employees and at the same time is committed to sharing it with all stakeholders.

Management works at all levels with unity of intent and common goals, engaging in creating the conditions for employees, associates and partners to be placed in the best conditions to achieve the goals set by the Quality Management System. All this allows the management and staff to align strategies, processes, and resources to achieve the goals set by the Company.

This document was disseminated at all levels of the organization through training sessions and exposure on the intranet network and on the internet site to ensure its understanding by all employees, collaborators and all other third parties interested in the activities and services offered by the Company.

On the basis of the general principles outlined above, measurable objectives are defined which are monitored at the annual reviews by the Management in order to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

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