Children's Wonderland

Mario’s Village

Dedicated to our mascot, Mario the parrot, this is the fun place for all kids

Mario’s Village is the children play area at the Children’s Wonderland and it is designed for children of all ages, starting from 3 years old.

The area is named after Forte Village’s mascot, Mario the parrot, and consists of 9 little play houses each with a specific theme: gas station, hairdresser, restaurant, supermarket, theatre, music house, news and workshop.
In this way, children can play letting their imagination run wild in creating fun stories in which they identify themselves with the characters linked to each theme.

In this area of ​​the resort children can play freely, under the constant supervision of our staff.


Mario’s Village is open to children aged 3 and older of all nationalities (our staff speaks Italian, English, French, German and Russian).
The staff at the Forte Village Children’s Wonderland has attended the FIRST AID COURSE carried out by the Italian Society of Medicine of the Paediatric Centre of Cagliari.

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