

Thalassotherapy in Sardinia

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Detox, regenerate, enhance

Acquaforte Thalasso Spa thalassotherapy is based on the revolutionary principle of sea water at different temperatures and different saline densities.

Set in a wonderful garden, the thalassotherapy course consists of six pure Sardinian seawater pools, with water drawn from just over a hundred meters from the shoreline at a depth of ten meters.

The first three pools – at a high temperature and with a high saline concentration – have an extraordinary detox effect. The final three – with a lower saline concentration and at lower temperatures – round off the regenerating program, stabilizing the exchanges between the body and the mineral salts.




Extraordinarily effective

and appealing treatments

Heavenly legs

A walk through sea water, divided into a series of stages with different saline densities and decreasing temperatures, from 34° to 10°. It is ideal for toning the legs and working on vascular diseases, with its extraordinary anti-edema action. The result: lighter, more toned, more seductive legs.

Natural sea salt exfoliation

In the fragrant steam of the Turkish bath, a salt-based scrub removes toxins and dead cells from the skin, draining excess liquid, and preparing the body to receive the benefits of thalassotherapy and the sun.

Honey and salt massage

One of life’s rules is that opposites attract, as this extraordinary massage proves, where the softness of honey and the energy of salt, combined with essential oils, purify and smooth the skin, preparing it to welcome the smiling sun and every caress.

Sea oil cryotherapy

Drawing on the property of sea oil, which freezes at -40 °, the treatment combines the benefits of low temperature with the draining and toning properties of this extraordinary natural magnesium-based liquid. Thanks to the skilled massage of the therapists, the microcirculation is reactivated and the body becomes wonderfully light again, with a remarkable skin anti-aging effect.

Sea mud

Thanks to its wealth of minerals and trace elements, boosted by the waters of the Mediterranean, when applied over the whole body or on specific areas, sea mud complements the benefits of thalassotherapy, toning and working therapeutically on skin pathologies and the bone/muscle system with a very remarkable anti-inflammatory effect.

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